today was odd. i stayed up late on the net till 2, and didnt wake up at 7 like i was supposed too, got out of bed at 830, threw on some clothes and said 'i'm going to college.' i lied.
i stumbled my way to edgware to see if a bank error in my favour (monolopy stylee) had miraculously earnin me a few quid, but 17p was still languishin at the bottomof the banks safe. poo
by this point i was verging on delirium through lack of nicotine and a 'i want breakfast' rumble coming from my belly. i walked to edgwarebury park so i could sit down and read, takin the harshness of a 4 hour wait for plank to wake up. good book, but edgwarebury scares me now, its got an odd atmosphere to it. if i ever had a reacurring dream it would probably be set in edgwarebury park. so i took myself and my weary body (as if i work too hard) to the exit to see where my feet would carry me. anywhere but home. i'm bunkin college remember.
i went to stonyfields instead. this is the odd bit. stonyfields park was once a gorgeous patch of natural gorgeousness. there was a pond with big tall reeds growing in lil groups all round the perimeter, ducks and other fowl rarely seen on the streets of the mill hill/edgware border. a small stream cuttin through fairly thick shrubbery and short trees and most of all; the oaks and the squirrells. bliss. now its got all that still, just dirtied by the hands of civilisation. burnt and no doubt half inched mopeds lying around, big lock on the swings (even if there were no lock, the council took the swings a while back), rusty bikes and coke can upon coke can.
now this is the really strange bit. the animals i spoke off... still there. them squirrells jumpin from tree to tree, and i could see them due to the 'tree baldness' as one tree said. a tree in winter kinda reminds me of a house where the occpants are away on holiday. from outside there's no sign of life but u know that inside the power is flowing just waiting to be released (turning on a light, eg.) there was me walkin thru natures defiance, feelin sorry for mysel coz im a bum/failure/useless and selfish git and then my eyes caught sight of the biggest bird i have ever seen at 20 paces. it looked like a herron but due to his beak too short for that, i decided that i hadn't a danny la rue as to what was before me. i stopped to look at it for a coupla minutes, it was just sittin on a log in some bushes by the bank of the stream, looked straight at me and then looked away as if he didn't think i deserve'd his gaze. raaaaaaa
after that i walked some more and found myself walkin up the spinny, under some more oaks and then a loud mix of different birdcalls bacame aware to me. no cars just the shrill communication of the various robins and stuff that live there (bill oddie i aint). after that the winds kicked in and the sound of the swaying bald twiglets breaking up the wind joined with the whistle of the winged. i wanted to go buy a dictafone there and then.
anyway, just to round the story off, i went home from there but nothing interestin happened.