today was odd. i stayed up late on the net till 2, and didnt wake up at 7 like i was supposed too, got out of bed at 830, threw on some clothes and said 'i'm going to college.' i lied. i stumbled my way to edgware to see if a bank error in my favour (monolopy stylee) had miraculously earnin me a few quid, but 17p was still languishin at the bottomof the banks safe. poo by this point i was verging on delirium through lack of nicotine and a 'i want breakfast' rumble coming from my belly. i walke...
Saturday April 24th 2004. 11:20am, my room. My lil bro pat is sleepin on the floor next to my bed, presumably because he was pissed last night and couldnt negotiate the coffee table to his own pit. john is downstairs doing his usual saturday bit, reading papers etc. dot, is in bed. oh how she deserves it. like a lot of college students i have a part time job that i started on wednesday, only, i haven't been in since, um, wednesday. im quitting. not to bothered bout no money coming in, more bo...